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Online Studies with ICE

LEARN, Lanka Education and Research Network of Sri Lanka (NREN) in Sri Lanka has joined hands with ICE (Indonesia Cyber Education institute) to provide online educational courses free of charge for the undergraduate students of Sri Lanka. 


This is a tremendous opportunity for Sri Lankan undergraduates who are willing to enhance their knowledge in subject areas or seek new knowledge. This is totally a free opportunity available for a limited number of students. The courses are offered by edX (, and XuetangX ( Upon the successful completion of the courses, you will be granted a valid certificate. You can find the full course catalogues at


What is ICE?

The Indonesia Cyber ​​Education Institute, also known as the ICE Institute, is a digital marketplace for quality online courses in Indonesia. The main objective of the ICE Institute is to facilitate the provision of quality education while ensuring the quality of online learning and distance education services.


  • The courses are expected to be finished by 22nd December 2023.
  • The application deadline for the courses is on 17th September 2023 at 12.00noon. 

How to apply?



  • Go down to find and click “eduID Services” you can see the below list and at the bottom, you can find two application forms for free online course registration, one for students and one for staff.


  • Upon clicking the relevant form, you will be directed to the Application form to fill in order to apply for the courses.
  • If you are selected for the program, you will receive an email to the Outlook account linked to your eduID.
  • You can then enroll and follow courses from edX ( ) or XuetangX ( One student can enroll into maximum 4 courses at the moment.
  • At the successful completion of the course, you will receive a certificate.

Team LEARN support is available for any clarifications only during office hours (8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.) only on WhatsApp – 0743703319.


FAQs/ Guidelines


LEARN - ICE Registration Form


1) Outlook e-mail linked to eduID

Please fill-up your email that is registered with eduID


2) Gender

Kindly select your Gender from the dropdown list


3) WhatsApp phone number

Please fill-up your mobile number which is enable with WhatsApp facility (e.g., +9477223344566)


4) University

Kindly select your university from the dropdown list


5) Faculty (Please select the faculty which proximate to your current field of study )

Kindly pick the faculty or your field of study from the list given, if your faculty or field of study is not listed here, please tick and mention it under “Other”

(Please fill the form in BLOCK LETTERS using correct faculty name)


6) Year in the University

Kindly select from the list your current university study year


7) Semester in the University

Kindly select from the list your current university semester


8) Current GPA

Please select your current GPA from the given list. You need to select the range which is relevant to your GPA. If your institute is not calculating/providing GPA, please select “GPA is not provided by Institute”


9) Area of study interest

Please tick the areas that you are interested in study under this platform. If you are interest area is not specified in the list given in the form, please specify it under “Other”. (Please fill the form in BLOCK LETTERS using correct study area)


10) Why do want to follow these courses?

Kindly elaborate why you are interested to follow these courses in this platform.